Into the basement of Castle Gretchley
The players spent a little time debating their course of options. As usual, there is a plethora of events in and around the City of Aearavir, thanks to the patron player generating inbound domain encounters. While the eastern flank is being held against the fishmen menace, the players have their sights set on some sweet loot rumored to be in the ruins of Castle Gretchley.
The was the same place previously visited for hippogriff eggs. Aware that the beasts roost above, the players decide to either descend the steps they firebombed the last time, or try their luck in the cave on the south side of the mound the ruins sit on. After another short discussion (the cave reeks of bear, according to the ranger), they plunge down the steps. Curiously the hirelings _refuse_ to go down the steps.
The first room is wide with several exits. The part goes into methodical exploration mode. They find a pile of reeking garbage that moves and emits a poison cloud. They fire bomb this into ashes from a distance, and press on to more rooms. Joe Figthen, recent survivor of a massive battle in the eastern frontier against several hordes of fishmen, manages to quickly spear a huge spider to death before it could do any harm. Things are looking great!
Player map of the exploration. |
After another couple of seemingly empty rooms, they players push into a strange chamber with stone "beds" and corpses lying on top. As the group gets closer, these turn out to be intelligent undead of some kind that are not harmed by normal weapons.
While the Moo Crew (the squad of Minosians loyal to the Minotaur fighter Max), are soaking up the majority of attention, even Joe Fighten presses into the fight. This proves fatal, as one of the things scores a hit, killing him. The rest of the group brings up some magic weapons and soon the threat is neutralized.
The room is searched and 1 spear trap is found while examining a chest under on the stone "beds". It's filled with 6000gp and a scroll of protection from fire. This is deemed a good day and the group now makes it way back, nothing that something or someone has shut closed previously spiked open doors behind them, They definitely want to leave now!
XP and Ratings (only included XP for monsters defeated, treasure division was still up in the air)
Max F1, 187XP
Errol D1, 187XP
Jeremy M1, 187XP
Gerolt F1 187 XP
Tasso C3 187XP
Franz I3 187XP
Charles T1 187XP
Aewdil C1/R2 187XP
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