Sector 23 - Subsector N - Daedrim

 1135    Daedrim     A879538-C Ht NI {1}    ()      []       N    501

Daedrim Resources Lfg., mobile surface rig, 898

World Info

StarportAExcellent Quality. Refined fuel available. Annual maintenance overhaul available. Shipyard capable of constructing starships and non-starships present. 
Size812,800 km
Atmosphere7Standard. Tainted. Requires filter mask
Hydrographics990% water
Population5100,000 (5*10^5)
Government3Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy. Government by a restricted minority, with little or no input from the masses. Restricts: Weapons, Technology, Travellers
Law8Long bladed weapons controlled; open possession prohibited
ProhibitionsWeapons: All bladed weapons, stunners
Technology: TL 5
Travellers: Landing permitted only to Nevasavi agents.
TechCAverage Imperial
RemarksHt: High Technology. Ni: Non-Industrial.

Deadrim also belongs to the fiercely independent Nezavisi Compact, contributing to its technological prowess and a sizeable force of warships to defend itself. The world is bitterly cold with a temperate equatorial zone featuring vast natural reservations popular with "big game" sports enthusiasts. Reproduction is strictly controlled by religious code and careful genetic selection among eligible couples. Arranged marriage is the norm, and exceptions are tolerated but discouraged with punitive career stigmas. Political offices are are held by a federal representation, but real control lies with elders and captains of industry.
