Sector 23 - Subsector B - Maxereis 1607

1607 Maxereis             A55A747-C Ht Wa                      {2}    (969-2) [245A] - NS - 800 1       F1 V

Tirlaxar Station, Maxerios, 898

World Info

StarportAExcellent Quality. Refined fuel available. Annual maintenance overhaul available. Shipyard capable of constructing starships and non-starships present. Nava base and/or scout base may be present
Size58,000 km
Atmosphere5Thin. Breathable
HydrographicsA100% water
Population710,000,000 (8x10^6)
Government4Representative Democracy. Government by elected representatives. Restricts: Weapons, Drugs, Psionics
Law7Shotguns prohibited
ProhibitionsWeapons: Shotguns
Drugs: All narcotics
Psionics: Use of psionics forbiden.
TechCAverage Imperial
RemarksHt: High Technology. Wa: Water World.

Substantial floating urban infrastructure hosts the population. Beneath the water surface, there are highly intelligent marine life phyla that were declared as Protected by Territorial Authority charter in 833. The floating cities of the world process the abundant mineral-laden water for extraction. Additional ocean floor mining occurs, but in zones indicated by the TA charter. Wildcat mining is not unknown but punishable by fines and exile. Attempts at establishing communication with the intelligent phyla have so far not resolved the debate about the native sapience. 

CDC researchers published a report in 892 that the spinal fluids of one of the native species are a potent hallucinogen to humans. This report was suppressed by the Authority.

