Sector 23 - Subsector B - 1008 Atevecin

 1008 Atevecin          A544658-E Ag Ga Ht Ni                {3}    (952+4) [836C] - N- - 602 3       A8 V

RSD CR004 "HMS Calliar", flagship of the RSD, 895

World Info

StarportAExcellent Quality. Refined fuel available. Annual maintenance overhaul available. Shipyard capable of constructing starships and non-starships present. Nava base and/or scout base may be present
Size58,000 km
Atmosphere4Thin. Tainted. Requires filter mask
Hydrographics440% water
Population61,000,000 (6*10^6)
Government5Feudal Technocracy. Government by specific individuals for those who agree to be ruled. Relationships are based on the performance of technical activities which are mutually-beneficial. Restricts: Weapons, Information, Technology
Law8Long bladed weapons controlled; open possession prohibited
ProhibitionsWeapons: All bladed weapons, stunners
Information: Information technology, any non-critical data from offworld, personal media.
Technology: TL 5
TechEAbove Average Imperial
RemarksAg: Agricultural. Ht: High Technology. Ni: Non-Industrial.

Atevecin is a monarchy with a ruling clan that extends back to pre-Interregnum colonial times. The ruling family enjoys tremendous support among the citizenry, though unsettled regions ignore the central government in a state of salutary neglect. It is expected that junior members of the royalty will enlist into the Royal System Defence, a local naval military that still operates an impressive, if outdated, a squadron of heavy cruiser-class warships. By TA treaty the RSD is not allowed to operate outside the system. However, multiple witnesses claim that RSD ships participate in joint TA operations against pirates from time to time. The TA has refused to comment. 
