Sector 23 - Subsector B - 0808 Sogeeran

 0808 Sogeeran             A200443-E Ht Ni Va                   {1}    (931-1) [515B] - N- - 120 1       M0 III G4 II

Sogeeran TA Military Station Nasara, Sogeeran Prime High Guard, 874

World Info

StarportAExcellent Quality. Refined fuel available. Annual maintenance overhaul available. Shipyard capable of constructing starships and non-starships present. Nava base and/or scout base may be present
Size23,200 km
Atmosphere0No atmosphere. Requires vacc suit
Hydrographics0No water
Government4Representative Democracy. Government by elected representatives. Restricts: Weapons, Drugs, Psionics
Law3Machine guns, automatic rifles prohibited
ProhibitionsWeapons: Heavy weapons
Drugs: Combat drugs
Psionics: Use of telepathy restricted to - government- approved telepaths.
TechEAbove Average Imperial
RemarksHt: High Technology. Ni: Non-Industrial. Va: Vacuum World.

The navy base here offers important refuel and repair services for TA naval assets in the subsector spinward of the base at Diare. World operations are primarily ore extraction and refinement, with technical and manufactured goods forming the bulk of traffic to the system.
