Sector 23 - Subsector B - 0804 Usmabe

0804 Usmabe               A540A84-F De Hi Ht In Po             {3}    (791+0) [D72E] - -- - 103 4       K1 V F4 III K8 V 

World Info

StarportAExcellent Quality. Refined fuel available. Annual maintenance overhaul available. Shipyard capable of constructing starships and non-starships present. 
Size58,000 km
Atmosphere4Thin. Tainted. Requires filter mask
Hydrographics0No water
PopulationA10,000,000,000 (1x10^6)
Government8Civil Service Bureaucracy. Government by agencies employing individuals selected for their expertise. Restricts: Weapons, Drugs
Law4Light assault weapons prohibited
ProhibitionsWeapons: Light assault weapons and submachine guns
Drugs: Addictive narcotics
TechFTechnical Imperial Maximum
RemarksDe: Desert. Hi: High Population. Ht: High Technology. In: Industrialized. Po: Poor.

