Sector 23 - Subector N - Angath

 1535    Angath A440456-F De Ht NI Po {1}    ()      []       N    222

Angath surface. Beckinsdale Downport, 894

World Info

StarportAExcellent Quality. Refined fuel available. Annual maintenance overhaul available. Shipyard capable of constructing starships and non-starships present. 
Size46,400 km
Atmosphere4Thin. Tainted. Requires filter mask
Hydrographics0No water
Population410,000 (2*10^4)
Government5Feudal Technocracy. Government by specific individuals for those who agree to be ruled. Relationships are based on the performance of technical activities which are mutually-beneficial. Restricts: Weapons, Information, Technology
Law6All firearms except shotguns prohibited
ProhibitionsWeapons: All firearms except shotguns and stunners; carrying weapons discouraged
Information: Recent news from offworld.
Technology: TL 9
TechFTechnical Imperial Maximum
RemarksDe: Desert. Ht: High Technology. Ni: Non-Industrial. Po: Poor.

Angath is the technical apex of the rimward subsector and one of several worlds that have formed an alliance against Territorial Authority expansion, the Nezavisi Compact. It is unknown how the system maintained their starport, which has been active since the Interregnum era (450?-460?).
