Sector 23- World Summary - Scarlett

 Scarlet           0410 C300041-8        G Va Ni Lo

World Info

StarportCRoutine Quality. Only unrefined fuel available. Reasonable repair facilities present. Scout base may be present
Size34,800 km
Atmosphere0No atmosphere. Requires vacc suit
Hydrographics0No water
Government4Representative Democracy. Government by elected representatives. Restricts: Weapons, Drugs, Psionics
Law1Body pistols, explosives, and poison gas prohibited
ProhibitionsWeapons: Poison gas, explosives, undetectable weapons, WMD
Drugs: Highly addictive and dangerous narcotics
Psionics: Dangerous talents must be registered.
Tech8Quality Computers. circa 1980 to 1989
RemarksLo: Low Population. Ni: Non-Industrial. Va: Vacuum World.
