Sector 23 - World Summary - Remiel

 Remiel           0604 C384368-B      N G  Ni Lo      

World Info

StarportCRoutine Quality. Only unrefined fuel available. Reasonable repair facilities present. Scout base may be present
Size34,800 km
Atmosphere8Dense. Breathable
Hydrographics440% water
Government6Captive Government/Colony. Government by a leadership answerable to an outside group, a colony or conquered area. Restricts: Weapons, Technology, Travellers
Law8Long bladed weapons controlled; open possession prohibited
ProhibitionsWeapons: All bladed weapons, stunners
Technology: TL 5
Travellers: Landing permitted only to imperial agents.
TechBLower Average Imperial
RemarksLo: Low Population. Ni: Non-Industrial.

Another colony/captive government.
