Sector 23 - World Summary - Noveria

 Noveria           0508 A416553-C      N G Ht Ic Ni

World Info

StarportAExcellent Quality. Refined fuel available. Annual maintenance overhaul available. Shipyard capable of constructing starships and non-starships present. Nava base and/or scout base may be present
Size46,400 km
Atmosphere1Trace. Requires vacc suit
Hydrographics660% water
Government5Feudal Technocracy. Government by specific individuals for those who agree to be ruled. Relationships are based on the performance of technical activities which are mutually-beneficial. Restricts: Weapons, Information, Technology
Law3Machine guns, automatic rifles prohibited
ProhibitionsWeapons: Heavy weapons
Information: Intrusion programs.
Technology: TL 15
TechCAverage Imperial
RemarksHt: High Technology. Ic: Ice Capped. Ni: Non-Industrial.
