Sector 23 - World Summary - Jaune LL233

Jaune LL233          0908 X729332-7        G Ni Lo

World Info

StarportXNo Starport. No provision is made for any ship landings
Size711,200 km
Atmosphere2Very thin. Tainted. Requires combination respirator/filter
Hydrographics990% water
Government3Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy. Government by a restricted minority, with little or no input from the masses. Restricts: Weapons, Technology, Travellers
Law2Portable energy weapons prohibited
ProhibitionsWeapons: Portable energy weapons (except ship-mounted weapons)
Technology: Alien Technology
Travellers: Visitors must report passenger manifest, landing is permitted anywhere.
Tech7Miniaturized Electronics. circa 1970 to 1979
RemarksLo: Low Population. Ni: Non-Industrial.
