Sector 23 - World Summary - Janssen

 Janssen           0710 C262051-8      S G Lo Ni

World Info

StarportCRoutine Quality. Only unrefined fuel available. Reasonable repair facilities present. Scout base may be present
Size23,200 km
Atmosphere6Standard. Breathable
Hydrographics220% water
Government5Feudal Technocracy. Government by specific individuals for those who agree to be ruled. Relationships are based on the performance of technical activities which are mutually-beneficial. Restricts: Weapons, Information, Technology
Law1Body pistols, explosives, and poison gas prohibited
ProhibitionsWeapons: Poison gas, explosives, undetectable weapons, WMD
Information: Intellect programs.
Technology: Dangerous technologies such as nanotechnology
Tech8Quality Computers. circa 1980 to 1989
RemarksLo: Low Population. Ni: Non-Industrial.
