Sector 23 - World Summary - Abell

0603 ABELL A544110-F Ni Ht Lo{1}    (601+1) [417G] - -  - 814 5    K5 V F1 V M1 II F6 III K8 V   

Abell Station, CDC/Abell Ltd Facility, 881

World Info

StarportAExcellent Quality. Refined fuel available. Annual maintenance overhaul available. Shipyard capable of constructing starships and non-starships present. Nava base and/or scout base may be present
Size58,000 km
Atmosphere4Thin. Tainted. Requires filter mask
Hydrographics440% water
Government1Company/Corporation. Government by a company managerial elite, citizens are company employees. Restricts: Weapons, Drugs, Technology, Travellers, Psionics
Law0No prohibitions
TechFTechnical Imperial Maximum
RemarksHt: High Technology. Lo: Low Population. Ni: Non-Industrial.

Sector administrative center/capitol.

The sector is not an organized political territory under the Authority. It is still classified as Developing and is under the stewardship of a megacorporation specializing in colonization and development.

Interstellar affairs are adjudicated per corporate agreements, subject to review by Authority. The world hosts a couple of remote scientific stations. 
